
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

description Subscription weekly newspaper
First edition March 1926
Frequency of publication weekly
Editor-in-chief Hanzi Tomažič
editor Episcopal Pastoral Office
Web link

The Nedelja ( Slovenian for "Sunday") is the Slovenian-language church newspaper of the diocese of Gurk and the oldest weekly newspaper of the Carinthian Slovenes . It was founded in March 1926 by a group of Slovenian-speaking priests.

Like only a few, she embodies linguistic, cultural and identity-creating continuity and the will to live of the Slovene ethnic group, as its history shows reconstruction, persecution (it was banned by the National Socialists in 1941 because of the Slovene language ), new beginnings and transformation.

After the war the diocese of Gurk took over the publishing of the newspaper. The change in the last two decades has taken place from a traditional religiously edifying paper into a modern medium of the ethnic group, which faces the challenges of the time with extensive cultural and local reporting, a monthly literary supplement and with socially critical weekly commentaries and with the development of an internet platform. This has made it possible to remain by far the most widespread print medium of the Slovene ethnic group in Carinthia.