Nelson Aguiar Ramírez

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Nelson Alberto Aguiar Ramírez (born August 12, 1945 in Cuba ) is a Cuban dissident. The teacher is chairman and founding member of the banned Orthodox Liberal Party of Cuba (Partido Ortodoxo de Cuba).

On March 18, 2003, Aguiar Ramírez was arrested as part of the so-called "Black Spring" , the largest wave of arrests in Cuba since the beginning of the 1959 revolution. In a fast-track trial, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison for founding a political party. The basis of the judgment was Act 88 (Art 6.1) to secure Cuba's national independence and economy. Aguiar has been recognized as a political prisoner by Amnesty International .

On October 20, 2009, Aguiar was released on parole due to his precarious health after the Spanish government spoke up on his behalf in talks with the Cuban leadership. Shortly afterwards, he and his wife Dolia Leal, a co-founder of the human rights organization Damas de Blanco , left for exile in the United States.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cuba releases political prisoners in: RP Online of October 20, 2009, accessed on November 26, 2011
  2. Elizabeth Llorente: Cuba releases political prisoner and his wife, one of the 'Ladies in White' , in: of April 9, 2010, accessed on February 28, 2013 (English)
  3. Elizabeth Llorente: Fighting Castro One Tweet at a Time , in: Fox News Latino of November 5, 2010, accessed on February 28, 2013 (English)

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