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nemwax ( ne w m arket w aste a ll share inde x , for example: index of all garbage stocks on the Neuer Markt ) was a website and a share index . The name alluded to the Nemax All Share, a former share index of Deutsche Börse AG , which contained all shares of the market segment Neuer Markt, which has since been discontinued.

The nemwax was created as a reaction to the increasing number of penny stocks and company bankruptcies during the New Economy . Under the motto We will organize the New Market! the stocks of the Neuer Markt were classified on this website in categories such as fairytale forest , junkyard and debtor tower - depending on whether the companies made false promises, manufactured products that were not ready for the market, had become highly indebted or otherwise received negative attention. Each individual case was supported by sources such as ad hoc reports from companies. In this way, the initiators of the website, who hid themselves behind the pseudonyms Amok and Donald , wanted to warn potential shareholders about the respective shares. Her style fluctuated between a humorous presentation and caustic mockery of the denounced companies and managers . The animated graphic of a bankrupt was floating on the home page .

Later, the page has a counterpart called nemfax added, wherein the f for fundamentals ( fundamental data ) and was a positive corporate selection is made according to certain quality criteria.

After Deutsche Börse AG itself introduced stricter quality criteria for members of the Neuer Markt and the problem of the dotcom bubble was well known, nemwax was discontinued in 2002. The visitor counter of last showed approx. 266,000 hits.


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