Nephu monastery

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The Nephu Monastery ( Tib . Sna phu dgon ) is a monastery of Lingre Kagyu -Schule ( ling ras bka 'brgyud ) of Tibetan Buddhism , which of Lingrepa Pema Dorje ( gling ras pa pad ma rdo rje ) (1128-1188) or Nephupa ( sna phu ba ) (after the monastery) - a disciple of the Phagmodrupa Dorje Gyelpo . The monastery, located near the Dorje Drag ( rdo rje brag ) monastery in central Tibet (Ü; dbus ), is the ancestral monastery of this school. It is located in Gonggar County (Gongkkar) of Shannan County (Lhokha) in the south of Tibet Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China .

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References and footnotes

  1. Chin. Napu si 纳普 寺 (also T. sna phu chos lungs ; Chin. Napu Quelong 纳普 却 隆). The Drugpa Kagyu tradition ( 'brug pa dkar brgyud ) emerged from this school and later became particularly popular in Bhutan .
  2. Chinese Linre Gaju 林 热 噶 举
  3. Chinese Linre Baima Duoji 林 热 • 白 玛多吉 / Lingre Baima Duojie 岭 热. 白 玛多杰 / Napuba Lingre Baima Duojie 纳普巴. 岭 热. 白 玛多杰
  4. Tib. Phage-mo gru pa rdo rje rgyal po
Nephu Monastery (alternative names of the lemma)
Napu si 纳普 寺; sNa-phu chos-lungs; Napu Quelong 纳普 却 隆

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