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Nesptah was a high ancient Egyptian official who, at the time of the 26th Dynasty, around 650 BC. BC under King Psammetich I lived and officiated. He held several important offices and came from an influential family.

Nesptah was the son of the mayor of Thebes , Montuemhat , who ruled the fortunes of Upper Egypt at the end of the 25th and the beginning of the 26th Dynasty and who was the actual ruler in this part of Egypt when the country was conquered by the Assyrians (on End of the 25th dynasty). Nesptah followed his father in numerous offices. He was also mayor of Thebes , ruler of Upper Egypt , and also fourth priest of Amun and priest of Ptah .

Nesptah is known from a number of monuments. His sarcophagus was found in his father's Theban tomb TT34 . He is also named on a group of statues of his father and on a sacrificial tablet.

Individual evidence

  1. Atef, Awadalla, Ahmed El Sawy: Un sarcophage de Nsi-Ptah dans la tombe de Montouemhat. In: Bulletin de l'Institut francais d'archéologie orientale. (BIFAO) Vol. 90, 1990, pp. 29-39 ( online ).
  2. ^ Diana Alexandra Pressl: Officials and soldiers: The administration in the 26th Dynasty in Egypt (664-525 BC). P. Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1998, ISBN 3-631-32586-X (with further literature), pp. 186-188.