Amun in hieroglyphics | ||||||
ideogram |
Old empire |
Amun Jmn the hidden one |
or with determinative |
ditto too |
Greek | Ἀμοῦν Amū̂n ( acc .), Ἄμμων Ámmōn | |||||
Bohair Coptic table |
ⲁⲙⲟⲩⲛ (Amun) |
In cuneiform tradition | amâna / amûnu | |||||
Amun | ||||||
Amun in the great pillared hall in Karnak |
Amun (also Amon, Amoun, Ammon, Hammon, Amen or more rarely Imenand ) is the wind and fertility god of the ancient Egyptian religion . Amun is not to be confused with Ameni, an epithet of Re .
Amun has been recorded together with Amaunet since the Old Kingdom : "Amun and Amaunet protect their gods with their shadow". In the 11th dynasty he rose to become the local deity of Thebes . After the Hermonthen family had won the civil war of the First Intermediate Period , they tried to give Thebes sufficient legitimation.
At the beginning of the 12th dynasty , the new capital Thebes was moved to the north. After the relocation of Thebes, Sesostris I expanded the temple of Amun built there.
In the pre- Amarna period, Amun was represented as a person with a crown and staff. In the post-Amarna period with blue skin and a double crown of two upright peacock feathers.
The blue skin is said to symbolize the air and creation. The people worshiped him in his original version as a ram , god of flocks and pastures and their fertility.
Reclining rams on pedestals lined the paths to the temple in Karnak , for example . Sometimes he was depicted in human form with a ram's head.
Daily sacrificial ritual
The following daily sacrificial ritual was performed for Amun in Karnak during the New Kingdom:
- Leaving the sanctuary , then breaking the false seal and pulling back the door latch, opening the false door
- Setting up the fire basin, then burning incense and fat
- Preparing the grilled meat and the skewer
- Heating up the embers with a fan, then deglazing with beer
- Offering white bread, pastries, beer, wine and milk
- Purification of the divine offering with the first libation and incense
- Second libation and greeting with the Nemset jug
- Incense and myrrh incense
- Presentation of the daily normal menu
- Calling out the sacrifice and arranging the offering table and libations
- Burning the myrrh and conjuring up the god
- Closing the false door
- Summoning the god and calling out the sacrifice, sprinkling the walls with water
- Call to the gods, blurring the footprint and locking the false door
- Libation and incense for Re
- Preparation of the sacrificial circulation: preparing the altar of the kings
- Return to Sanctuary for the Sacrifice Circulation
- Libation and incense after diverting the offerings
- Illuminate the sanctuary with a torch, then extinguish the torch
- Conjuration of the offerings and evening singing
In Thebes, the local goddess Mut and the couple's son, the bird-headed moon god Chons , was worshiped as the wife of Amun .
Importance to other peoples

The Greeks identified Amun with Zeus , the Romans later with Jupiter . So the Amun cult remained for some time after the fall of the Egyptian Empire. After his trip to the Amunoracle in the Siwa Oasis, Alexander the Great was partially identified with Amun and also depicted with ram horns.
In Greek mythology
Amun was a fabulous king of Libya. He had Rhea , the daughter of Uranus and sister of Kronos , as his wife.
Later he was unfaithful to his wife with Amaltheia . This gave birth to their son Bacchus , whom they had to withdraw from Hera's jealousy and therefore brought to Nysa (a mythical mountain). Here the child was given the name Dio-Nysus ( Dionysus ) and was raised by nymphs . After his death, Amun was accepted among the gods.
Amun in Nubia
Amun was one of the most important gods in Nubia . Its original Nubian shape was that of a ram. A sun deity in the shape of an aries can already be demonstrated for the Nubia of the scriptless Kerma culture . The ram shape was then adopted by the Egyptians after the conquest of Nubia. In later times Amun was called Amani in the Meroitic language , the language of Nubia. The name Amani was also found in numerous Nubian personal names such as Tanwetamani , Senkamanisken Anlamani , Arkamani, Amanitore , Amanishakheto or Natakamani . The Nubian Amun had many different manifestations, which can be identified by certain identity-forming crowns. Well-known forms are:
- the Amun of Napata , also known as Armun des Gebel Barkal and chief god of the Napatan dynasty ,
- the Amun of Kawa , whose nickname was "lion over the south", who was an ancient lion god and who could appear both as a ram and as a lion in Meroitic times,
- and Amun of Thebes , also venerated in Nubia, who was venerated in Napata with his consort Mut and his son Chons .
See also
- Hans Bonnet : Amun. In: Lexicon of Egyptian Religious History. Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-08-6 , pp. 31–37 (former title: Reallexikon der Ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte ).
- Adolf Erman : The Egyptian religion. Reimer, Berlin 1909.
- Wolfgang Helck , Eberhard Otto : Small Lexicon of Egyptology . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1999. ISBN 3-447-04027-0 .
- Erik Hornung : The one and the many, Egyptian ideas of God. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 1971, ISBN 978-3-534-05051-2 .
- Emil Nack: Egypt. The realm of the pharaohs. Tosa, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-85492-931-5 (former title: Egypt and the Middle East in Antiquity ).
- Eberhard Otto , Max Hirmer : Osiris and Amun. Cult and holy places. Hirmer, Munich 1966.
- Richard Pietschmann : Ammon 1 . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume I, 2, Stuttgart 1894, Sp. 1853-1857.
- Kurt Sethe : Amun and the eight primordial gods of Hermopolis . Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences, Berlin 1929.
- Piotr O. Scholz: Nubia - the mysterious gold country of the Egyptians. Theiss, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 978-3-8062-1885-5 , p. 68 f.
- Ferdinand Tönnies : De Jove Ammone questionum specimen . (Diss.), Tübingen 1877.
- Dietrich Wildung , Jürgen Liepe: Sudan - Ancient Kingdoms on the Nile . Wasmuth, Tübingen 1996, ISBN 3-8030-3084-6 , pp. 104, 206, 267.
- Alessia Fassone, Enrico Ferraris: Egypt - high culture on the Nile . Parthas, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-936324-77-8 , pp. 148, 150.
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b Pyramid text 446c – 446d . On: ; Retrieved June 13, 2014.