Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song

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The Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song is a network of researchers who study the art of Greek song, that is: the lyrical , elegiac and iambic poetry of the archaic and classical times. It was founded in 2007 by Ewen Bowie , University of Oxford , and André Lardinois , Radboud University Nijmegen , and funded for the first three years by the Nederlandse Organizatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) and the National Research School in Classical Studies in the Netherlands (OIKOS). The members are divided into groups: the two initiators call themselves choragoi, choreutes or core members are proven researchers in the field. In addition to a list of members, the wiki offers a detailed, structured bibliography on the topic, information on upcoming and past conferences and links to relevant websites.

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