New judges' association

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New Judges Association
legal form Association under German law
Seat Frankfurt am Main , Berlin
Action space Separation of powers

The New Judges Association (NRV) is an interest group of judges and public prosecutors in Germany . It is a registered association at the federal level, which is divided into state associations. The seat of the association is in Frankfurt am Main ; the federal office is in Berlin . She is a member of " MEDEL ", a European umbrella organization of similarly oriented associations of judges and public prosecutors.

The Neue Richtervereinigung takes the view that exercising the office of judge or public prosecutor always has a socio-political relevance and is therefore political. Therefore, according to its own statements, it advocates “democracy, human rights and the preservation of the natural basis of life”. She sees a “ democratic deficit ” in the fact that many important decisions about members of the judiciary are made by the administration (training, recruitment, promotion). It calls for a "preferably hierarchy-free judicial structure as an independent third state authority " as well as "organizational independence - autonomy - of the judiciary" and presented a comprehensive package of concrete bills in 2011, which includes an amendment to the Basic Law and numerous other laws.

The association has around 550 members in all jurisdictions and regions of Germany and thus significantly fewer than the German Association of Judges . In secret elections to fill internal judicial bodies ( judges or public prosecutors, court presidium , presidential council ), however, it can often successfully compete with the judges' association.

Members of the federal executive committee of the New Judges Association are Matthias Fahrner, Ruben Franzen, Wilfried Hamm, Marianne Krause, Brigitte Kreuder-Sonnen, Carsten Löbbert and Albert Lohmann.

Brigitte Kreuder-Sonnen and Carsten Löbbert are spokespersons for the federal executive committee.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frankfurt am Main Local Court , Az.VR 9017
  4. Oeckl, Albert (ed.): Taschenbuch des Deutschen Leben Deutschland 2008