New times - Novoye Vremya

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New times - Novoye Vremya

description Newspaper in the Altai region
language Russian German
publishing company Administration of the German district of Halbstadt (Russia)
First edition November 30, 1991
Frequency of publication twice a week
Sold edition 2,500 copies
(own information)
Editor-in-chief Jelena Wolf
editor Administration of the German district of Halbstadt
Web link

Die Neue Zeit - Novoje Wremja is a daily newspaper that has been published in Halbstadt , Russia , since 1991 . The newspaper publishes articles in Russian and German. It appears twice a week; the length is twelve pages.

In the Altai Mountains in 1927 was a German National District created, which was disbanded after a few years. In 1991 this regional authority was re-established. In this context the New Era - Novoye Vremja was founded. The editorial office was initially in Slavgorod , in 1997 it was relocated to Halbstadt. The first editor-in-chief was Nikolai Fyodorowitsch Shaidurov, later it was Agata Samuilnowna Stobe. Jelena Wolf has been responsible since 2005 and is supported by a team of eleven people.

The emigration of many people of German origin meant that in 2006 German-language texts hardly appeared in the newspaper. Since 2007, contributions have been published in German on a smaller scale again.

It is the only daily newspaper in Russia and Asia with German-language articles.

Web links