Neumünster TV

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The Neumünster TV logo.

Neumünster TV (NMS TV) is a local television station based in Neumünster , which reports on events in the city of Neumünster and the surrounding area. The station is operated by the Neumünster Medien association.

The station's almost 30 employees (as of June 2020) have set themselves the goal of reaching immigrants in particular via social media in their mother tongue in order to give them the important information they need to participate in social life. In short films and interviews, current events are picked up on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Neumünster's own TV app, administration and politics are presented, associations and institutions are portrayed and support and everyday offers, such as opportunities for naturalization, are referred to.

In 2019 Neumünster TV took part in the short film competition on the subject of "Young people against extremism", funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation . In 2018, NMS TV was nominated for its commitment to the Schleswig-Holstein Citizens' Prize in the "Everyday Heroes" category and was selected among the five best projects. In 2019 the station announced its own film competition entitled "Tolerance against Ignorance".

The association regularly sends contributions to the Kiel Open Canal . There is also a close cooperation with the Free Radio Neumünster. Neumünster TV and Neumünster Medien eV are an active member of the Round Table for Tolerance and Democracy in Neumünster and the Forum of Diversity in Neumünster. There is a cooperation partnership with the city of Neumünster. Since December 2019, the association has also been a member of the German Parity Welfare Association Schleswig-Holstein.

Ibrahim Ortacer has been co-founder and chairman of the association as well as production manager of Neumünster TV since 2017.

Sponsoring association

The non-profit sponsoring association was created in 2017 from a private and voluntary initiative of the Turkish community of Neumünster. He has a camera team and a pool of interpreters as well as his own office in the center of the city. Contributions are currently being translated into eight languages, including German, Turkish, Arabic, Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian, French and English.

The multicultural group of members supports the local broadcaster and ensures that the contributions are disseminated via social media. The civil society organization has set itself the goal of reaching migrants in their mother tongue in order to give them the information they need to participate in life in society. In 2019, the association took part in the “International Weeks Against Racism” in the city with an event.

Neumünster Medien e. V. as part of the MaTZ integration funding program (measures for participation and cohesion) with state funds from the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the association was supported in 2019 as a project within the framework of the Partnership for Democracy Neumünster. According to the answer from Neumünster's Mayor Olaf Tauras to a major request from the NPD in the council meeting in December 2019, the Neumünster TV project was subsidized by the Neumünster Medien association with a good 4,200 euros in 2018 and 4,180 euros in 2019 from the city of Neumünster. Between the Social Service of Muslim Women (SmF) and Neumünster Medien e. V. there is a cooperation agreement. Since January 2020 Neumünster Medien eV has also been involved in the development of Schleswig TV, and since June 2020 in the development of Lübeck TV.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Neumünster TV. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  2. ^ Christian Lipovsek: General Assembly: Association Neumünster Medien has a new board | Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  3. ^ Christian Lipovsek: Neumünster: Neumünster TV is nominated for the citizen award | Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  4. cli: Tolerance against ignorance: winners of the film competition honored | Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  5. ^ Neumünster, Bunt statt Braun .: Members of the RT. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  6. ^ City of Neumünster: Participate & Commitment. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  7. Projects. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  8. ^ Ac: Multilingual project: "Schleswig TV" - a contribution to promoting democracy | Retrieved July 10, 2020 .
  9. SessionNet | Agenda item. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  10. Films and information in eight languages. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  11. ^ Neumünster Medien eV Accessed on July 8, 2020 (German).
  12. ^ Christian Lipovsek: International Weeks Against Racism: Signs for Tolerance and Diversity in Neumünster | Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  13. admin: Ministry of the Interior promotes integration in the municipalities with a million dollar program. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  14. Projects. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  15. SessionNet | Agenda item. Retrieved July 8, 2020 .
  16. mkaya: Cooperation NMS-TV. In: Social Service of Muslim Women. Retrieved July 8, 2020 (German).
  17. cli: Successful participation project: Neumünster Medien builds Schleswig TV | Retrieved July 8, 2020 .