Neurometabolic Disease

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Under the generic term neurometabolic diseases ( systemic metabolic disorders with partially or exclusively neuropsychiatric symptoms ) a number of metabolic diseases are summarized in medicine, which are noticeable in the clinical picture due to the involvement of the central nervous system . The frequency of occurrence is about 1: 500, they are often counted among the neuropsychiatric syndromes . The symptoms are partly similar to those of psychogenic ("mental") disorders and can easily be confused with them.


In addition to a thorough anamnesis and the evaluation of the clinical findings, the diagnosis is made through special laboratory tests (e.g. selective metabolic screening, special tests of body fluids and body tissues ).

In childhood, neurometabolic diseases are a common cause of the development of epilepsy , so that conversely, in children with cerebral seizures, the possibility of a neurometabolic disease should also be considered.


There are a wide variety of neurometabolic diseases. Examples include:

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