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The neuronavigation is a computerized method of operation of Neurosurgery , which enables planning of operations and spatial orientation during surgery. This is done by displaying image data of the patient at the surgical site: the area currently being treated is visualized on patient images and the surgical device is precisely located there. For this purpose, the coordinate system of the patient and the coordinate systems of the three-dimensional image data are correlated with one another - a process known as registration. The image data used are data from computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) and ultrasound images of the patient.

Origins in stereotaxic

The predecessor of neuronavigation is stereotactic brain surgery , a minimally invasive procedure in neurosurgery in which the patient's head and the medical instruments are fixed in a firmly screwed frame. This framework does not apply to neuronavigation, since the precision is guaranteed by computer-graphic modeling and real-time localization of the patient and the instruments.

navigation system

A system is usually used for neuronavigation, which consists of a navigation computer with patient data, several monitors and various localization elements. During the operation, the spatial position of the navigated instrument is recorded, evaluated in real time by the navigation computer and visualized on the monitors using the patient image data. Structures planned preoperatively can also be displayed on the monitors to make it easier for the surgeon to orientate himself during the procedure. Various precision instruments for minimally invasive surgery, such as video endoscopes, can be integrated into the neuronavigation.



  1. Laser-assisted, navigated 3D surgery ( Memento of the original dated November 7, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /