Ngerekebesang (place)

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Ngerekebesang (also: Ngerekebesang Hamlet , Arakabesan ) is a place in the administrative state of Koror on the island of Arakabesan (of the same name) in Palau .


The place is on the island in the southwest of Koror together with the small places Meyuns and Eang (Echang). The island is connected to the island of Koror by a roadway embankment. The embassy of Japan and a larger hotel are on site. the place itself has about 450 inhabitants. To the northwest of the village is Mount Desomel .

The largest hospital in Palau, Belau National Hospital, is located in the neighboring capital of Meyuns.


Ngerekebesang was occupied by the Japanese in the 1930s and expanded with seaplane landing pads . In 1944 the military base was first attacked by the Americans and then bought by the Japanese. In the 1950s, Roman Tmetuchl campaigned for the base to be returned to the state of Koror. At times the presidential seat of the Republic of Palau was also in the village before the capital was moved to Melekeok .

Individual evidence

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  3. ^ Donald R. Shuster: Roman Tmetuchl: A Palauan Visionary. Roman Tmetuchl Family Trust, 2002: 57-62. ISBN 982-9064-01-8 .
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Coordinates: 7 ° 21 '16 "  N , 134 ° 26' 47"  E