Nibure Id

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The dignity of the Nibure Id ( Ethiop . ንቡረ እድ ) for the secular church administrator of Aksum and the Seyon Cathedral of Aksum was one of the oldest and highest in imperial Ethiopia . Nibure Id means " the hand was laid on " and stands for the appointment of the dignitary by the emperor . As early as the 14th century, the Nibure Id was of great importance in the state, as a result of Aksum's outstanding position in the history of Ethiopia as the historic capital and location of the imperial coronations. The emperors who went to Aksum for the coronation in the Seyon Cathedral granted Aksum numerous privileges. Later the Nibure Id became one of the advisers to the ruling emperor. In the course of time, the title was equated with that of a secular Ras and an ecclesiastical bishop . In addition to Aksum, a Nibure Id could also be appointed for other important monasteries (for example Debre Dammo , Medina , Addis Alem ).


  • Andrzej Bartnicki, Joanna Mantel-Niecko: History of Ethiopia. From the beginning to the present . Edited by Renate Richter. 2 parts. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1978.

See also