Nihat Behram

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Nihat Behram (born November 18, 1946 in Kars , Turkey ) is a Kurdish Turkish journalist , film producer , poet and novelist . His real name is Mustafa Nihat Behramoğlu.

Behram comes from a Kurdish family; his brother is the writer and poet Ataol Behramoğlu . Behram attended school in Çankırı , Bursa and Istanbul . In Istanbul began to study journalism. In 1972 he was arrested on political grounds and spent a year and a half in prison. Then he completed his studies.

In 1975 he founded the cultural magazine Militan with his older brother . Thereupon he became editor of the Vatan . There he published a series of articles on the life and thinking of the left student leaders Deniz Gezmiş , Yusuf Aslan and Hüseyin İnan, who were executed in 1972 . Behram and his newspaper were besieged with complaints. A series of articles was later published under the title Darağacında Üç Fidan (“Three Buds on the Gallows”) as a book that has been reissued to the present day and has decisively influenced the general perception of Gezmiş and his companions.

From 1980 Behram lived in exile in the Federal Republic of Germany . He was expatriated from his home country by the military government for political reasons. In Germany, Behram wrote his best known novel Gurbet - Die Fremde (1987). His volume Tödlicher Mai - Life and Death in the Turkish Resistance (1989) about "The Short Life of İbrahim Kaypakkaya " was published in Germany and Turkey, but was banned in Turkey and Behram was sentenced to seven years in prison. Behram did not return to Turkey until 1996 from his German exile. In addition to his novels, which were mostly written in Germany, twelve volumes of poetry have been published in Turkey to date.

Bibliography (Germany)

  • Swallows of crazy life (novel), Wuppertal: Hammer, 1992
  • Deadly May (reportage novel), Wuppertal: Hammer, 1989
  • Gurbet - Die Fremde (novel), Wuppertal: Hammer, 1989

Bibliography selection (Turkey)

  • Darağacında Üç Fidan (A biography about Deniz Gezmiş and his two friends), Istanbul, Everest Yayınları, new edition 2007, ISBN 975-316-817-9
  • İbrahim Kaypakkaya - Ser Verip Sır Vermeyen Komünist Önder Hayatı ve Mücadelesi (A biography about Ibrahim Kaypakkaya), Istanbul, Everest Yayınları, new edition 2006, ISBN 975-289-194-2
  • Yılmaz Güney'le Yasaklı Yıllar (A biography about Yilmaz Güney), Istanbul, Everest Yayınları, new edition 2001, ISBN 975-316-816-0
  • Hayatın Şarkısı Toplu Şiirler (book of poems), Istanbul, Everest Yayınları, new edition 2004, ISBN 975-289-176-4
  • Miras (A Biography), Istanbul, Everest Yayınları, New Edition 2004, ISBN 975-289-153-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nihat Behram: Darağacında Üç Fidan , Everest Yayınları, 101st edition, Istanbul 2016.