Nika Billiard

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Nika Milliard.jpg

Nika Milliard (* in Leningrad ) is a Russian opera singer with a soprano voice .


Nika Milliard studied at the St. Petersburg University of Music, Theater and Cinematography. After completing her studies, she was committed to the Kirov Theater and Operettenhaus St. Petersburg and the Mariinsky Theater for the first soprano subject. In these concert halls she became known in opera and operetta productions and received the title of chamber singer.

In addition to her work at the theater, she has also received invitations to perform in concerts and operas. a. in the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, in Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Vilnius, Budapest, at the Melbourne Opera House and in Warsaw. Parallel to the concert appearances, she also took part in film, television and radio productions.

The singer has given solo concerts in many cities in Europe, as well as in the United States and Japan. She also appeared at the Festival Schloss Grafenegg and at the Gmundner Festival.

A specialty of the Russian besides the classical repertoire are chansons from the 30s, 40s and 50s, which Nika Milliard arranged in her own tap choreography.

Nika Milliard lives and works in Vienna.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Billiard at the Ars Lyrica cultural association