Nikolaus von Myra (Rhetor)

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Nikolaus von Myra (Latin Nicolaus Myrensis , also Νικόλαος Σοφιστής "Nicholas the Sophist") was a Greek sophist and rhetor of the 5th century. He is not identical with the holy bishop Nicholas of Myra .

The main source for his life is the Suda : After that, Nikolaus came from Myra in Lycia . He was a pupil of the sophist Lachares in Athens and a friend of Proclus . Under the emperors Leo I , Zenon and Anastasios I , he had a professorship in Constantinople in the last quarter of the 5th century , where his brother Dioskorios was a high official, city prefect or consul. He has subsequently rhetorical writings Progymnasmata (προγυμνάσματα) and Meletai (μελέται) written.

Editions and translations

  • Christian Walz : Rhetores Graeci. Volume 1. JG Cotta, Stuttgart et al. 1832, pp. 263-420, ( digitized ).
  • Joseph Felten : Nicolai Progymnasmata (= Rhetores Graeci. Vol. 11). Teubner, Leipzig 1913.
  • George A. Kennedy (translator): Progymnasmata. Greek textbooks of prose composition. Introductory to the study of rhetoric. Writings by or attributed to: Theon, Hermogenes, Aphthonius, Nicolaus, together with: Anonymous prolegomena to Aphthonius, selections from the commentary attributed to John of Sardis, and fragments of the Progymnasmata of Sopatros. 2nd, revised edition. Self-published, Fort Collins (CO) 2000, pp. 99-131


  • Willy Stegemann : Nikolaos 21. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XVII, 1, Stuttgart 1936, Col. 424-457.
  • Bernhard D. Hebert: Late antique description of works of art. Archaeological commentary on the Ekphraseis des Libanios and Nikolaos (= dissertations of the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. 60). dbv-Verlag for the Technical University of Graz, Graz 1983, ISBN 3-7041-9020-9 (also: Graz, University, dissertation, 1983)
  • Paweł Janiszewski: Nikolaos. In: Paweł Janiszewski, Krystyna Stebnicka, Elżbieta Szabat: Prosopography of Greek Rhetors and Sophists of the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015, ISBN 978-0-19-871340-1 , p. 259
  • Christian A. Kaesser: Nikolaos 4a. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 12/2, Metzler, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-476-01487-8 , Sp. 1075 f.
  • Craig A. Gibson: What Nicolaus the Sophist a Christian? In: Vigiliae Christianae. Vol. 64, No. 5, 2010, pp. 496-500, doi : 10.1163 / 157007210X493489 .


  1. Suda N 394 and 395 .