Nina Arkadievna Rosenson

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Nina Arkadjewna Rosenson ( Russian: Нина Аркадьевна Розенсон ; * 1909 in Saint Petersburg , † 1942 in Pyatigorsk ) was a Soviet mathematician.


Rosenson studied at the University of Leningrad , did his doctorate under Onufri Konstantinowitsch Schitomirski (candidate thesis ) and worked at the Polytechnic Institute there . She was a specialist in geometry (especially differential geometry ) and was considered an outstanding talent. During the siege of Leningrad , she was evacuated with the other members of the Polytechnic Institute to the North Caucasus ( Kislovodsk ), where she was murdered by German troops (they were run over with a steamroller ).

In a paper published in 1940/43, she specified conditions when an ( n −1) -dimensional Riemannian manifold allows local isometric embedding in the n -dimensional Euclidean space .



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  1. what then happened also to another mathematician of the Institute, Tuwi Naumowitsch Blinchikow