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Nirodbaran Chakravarty (born November 17, 1903 , † July 17, 2006 in Pondicherry ) was the personal doctor and scribe of Sri Aurobindo and a senior member of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram .


Nirodbaran graduated from Edinburgh University with a degree in medicine. While in Paris he learned about Sri Aurobindo and Mirra Alfassa from Dilip Kumar Roy . In 1930 he visited the ashram in Pondicherry for the first time. At this point in time, Aurobindo wrote him a lengthy reply to his questions about the compatibility of yoga and work in the world. Then he spent two or three years in Burma as a practicing doctor; but this work did not satisfy him. He returned to the Ashram in Pondicherry with the intention of immersing himself in yoga and took up a job as a resident doctor. To his surprise, he found that poetry and poetry were practiced by some of the Ashram's students. Because Aurobindo had already withdrawn from the public life of the Ashram, he communicated with the students via letters. Nirodbaran began an extensive correspondence with Aurobindo (about 4,000 letters), who encouraged and directed his endeavors as a poet. He published a collection of his poems entitled Blossom of the Sun and 50 Poems by Nirodbaran , which Aurobindo reviewed and commented on. In November 1938, Aurobindo broke his leg. As a doctor, Nirodbaran was one of the students who stood by him as he recovered.


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