Norbert Tmej

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Norbert Tmej (born September 14, 1929 in Vienna ; † January 22, 2003 ibid) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ).


Norbert Tmej passed the Matura in 1948 after attending elementary school and a secondary school . He then attended the Vienna University of Economics and Business until 1951 . Tmej was already working as an accountant from 1950 before he found work at the post office from 1954 , where he worked as a cashier in the post and telegraph administration. In 1956 he became an accountant in the Post and Telegraph Directorate for Vienna and Lower Austria .

Norbert Tmej was not only a member of the ÖGB but from 1977 also held the office of chairman of the union of postal and telecommunications employees.

In January 1983 the Vienna State Parliament and City Council sent him to the Federal Council , to which Tmej was to belong for eight years until November 1991.

In 1983 Tmej was given the title of Government Councilor .

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