North German Parliamentary Council

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The Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries of the North German Parliamentary Council visits the Kiel Sea Fish Market (1973).

The North German Counselor of Parliament was at the beginning of the 1970s a committee to co-operate at a regional level parlamantarischer the four North German coastal states. Next to him was the North Germany Conference , which was composed of the four heads of government and their specialist ministers.


The North German Parliamentary Council was constituted on October 8, 1970 in Hanover and was composed of a total of forty representatives, from the Bremen Citizenship (9 members), Hamburg Citizenship (9 members), the Lower Saxony State Parliament (11 members) and Schleswig-Holstein Landtag (11 members) came. The aim was to coordinate questions of spatial planning and regional planning, economic, port and transport policy as well as environmental protection and education and to improve the parliamentary control of the state governments. The institution had no constitutional basis, so it could only act in a recommending and coordinating manner to ensure that the state parliaments pass resolutions with the same content and act in a politically consistent manner. The institution was at times divided and was dissolved in 1976 because of unsatisfactory results.

Helmut Kasimier was chairman of the North German Parliamentary Council from mid-1971 . In July 1972, the North German Parliamentary Council unanimously passed three recommendations on issues relating to the fishing industry, environmental protection and structural cooperation. At times the reorganization of the northern German federal states was discussed.


  • Rudolf Kaecke: The North German Parliamentary Council. An attempt to coordinate the formation of political will in the parliaments of the coastal countries. Neue Stenographische Praxis NStPr 1972, pp. 93–99.
  • Günter Schmeel: The North German Parliamentary Council: Necessity, possibilities and limits of regional parliamentary cooperation . 1976

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reinhard Baumann: North German Parliamentary Council . Journal for Parliamentary Issues 1971, pp. 293–297.
  2. Arthur Benz: Cooperation between the northern German states: problems, attempts at solutions and proposals for solutions . In: Arthur Benz, Fritz W. Scharpf, Reinhard Zintl: Horizontal political entanglement: On the theory of negotiation systems. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies 1992, pp. 29 ff, 36.
  3. Helmut Kasimier: Experiment: North German Parliamentary Council. On the subject of "reorganization of the federal states" . Social Democratic Press Service of February 12, 1973, p. 2 f. Online in the library of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (PDF file; 222 kB)