Notarius International

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The Notarius International ( NI ) is a scientific journal of the International Union of Notaries (UINL). It is a forum for the international aspects of notarial activities and publishes comparative contributions to all legal fields, in particular to contract law and real estate law, to family and inheritance law , the company law , for private international law , the notary and notarial acts .

Notarius International is published quarterly by the German Notary Institute (DNotI) in Würzburg (on behalf of the International Union of Notaries).

Editorial Board

  • Editor: Peter Limmer (Germany);
  • Assistant Editor: Christian Hertel (Germany).

Editorial Board: Wolfgang Baumann (Germany); Jean-Paul Decorps ( France ), João Figueiredo Ferreira ( Brazil ); Federico Guasti ( Italy ); José Antonio Márquez González ( Mexico ); Hugo Pérez Montero ( Uruguay ); Jeffrey Talpis ( Canada ); Salvador Torres Escámez ( Spain ); Ahmadou Touré ( Mali ); Sinishi Tsuchiya ( Japan ); Robert AD Urquhart ( United Kingdom ); Luc Weyts ( Belgium ).

Honorary Editor: Francisco S. Arias (Mexico, Honorary President of UINL); Gilles Demers (Canada, Honorary President of UINL); Helmut Fessler (Germany, Honorary President of the UINL); Giancarlo Laurini (Italy, President of UINL); Hugo Pérez Montero (Uruguay, Honorary President of the UINL); André Schwachtgen ( Luxembourg , Honorary President of the UINL).

Web links