Ambulance location

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An emergency doctor's location is an emergency medical service (RD) facility . The crews of the emergency doctor's vehicle stay in it during their off-duty time.

The location of an emergency doctor's location is determined by the provider of the rescue service (usually local government or rescue association) in accordance with state law requirements (location on roads, distribution within an area, spatial and temporal distance to neighboring guards, accessible population per unit of time, etc.). The number of emergency doctor locations in an ambulance service area depends primarily on the respective applicable rescue deadline.

Emergency doctor locations are usually set up or built by aid organizations or fire brigades that operate the rescue service in this area. The state can give financial subsidies for the construction. In the context of a new building for an emergency doctor's location, additional rooms (e.g. for administration, training, etc.) can be provided by the client; however, these are not eligible.

The emergency doctor's location should have at least one vehicle garage, a lounge and a relaxation room for the crew (s). Sometimes an office for administrative matters and a storage or disinfection room are also provided. Usually, however, existing rooms are used that prove to be suitable as an emergency doctor location.

For each emergency doctor location, one person has the function of a so-called "watch leader", even if they are called differently within the organization. The head of the watch is responsible for the internal operation of the emergency doctor's location and in this function is the contact person for authorities, namely the rescue control center (RLSt).