Nouvelles Éditions Latines

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Nouvelles Éditions Latines ( NEL ) is a French publisher founded in 1928 by Fernand Sorlot . The publishing house became famous in 1934 with the unauthorized translation and publication of Hitler's “ Mein Kampf ” in France, intended as a warning against Germany .


In the 1930s the house bought the publishing house Les Éditions Bossard and soon expanded its activities with the creation of the Les Éditions Catalogne , which was devoted to foreign literature. In 1934 the publisher launched an unauthorized translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf under the title Mon Combat . Sorlot defended his approach with the words: "Knowledge of the content of this book is of vital interest to France, because from now on the book will be the Bible of the German people". Hitler then took the publisher to the Commercial Court in Paris, and in June 1934 there was a trial in which Sorlot was defeated. The LICA supported Sorlot during the process and distributed 5,000 copies of the translation militant politicians, artists and influential intellectuals in France.

The founder

Fernand Sorlot (* 1907) was the Action Française of Charles Maurras close. During the French occupation of France by the Wehrmacht , he opened a branch in Berlin . A short time later he took from Dr. List from Leipzig for the revision and publication of various book series received 800,000 francs. This book series under the title Regards sur l'histoire was composed of the following three series: Les écrivains du siècle , Les chefs-d'œuvre and La vie européenne . On May 15, 1948, he was sentenced to twenty years of "national dishonor" for his activities during the occupation and his property was confiscated.

Publishing Directory

The publisher, whose political orientation is assigned to the traditional extreme right, now lists more than 2000 titles in the publisher's directory. This also includes some book series such as:

  • Art et Tourisme (art and tourism)
  • Le Monde Catholique (Catholic World)
  • Le Monde Littéraire (world of literature)
  • Histoire (history, with numerous sub-departments)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Political crucial question; How France deals with “Mein Kampf”. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, February 15, 2012, accessed on February 15, 2012 .
  2. ^ Henri-Jean Martin, Roger Chartier and Jean-Pierre Vivet: Histoire de l'édition française: Le livre concurrencé, 1900-1950 , vol. 4, p. 230. L'œil neuf éditions, Paris, 2006.
  3. Pascal Ory : Les Collaborateurs 1940–1945 . Éditions du Seuil, Paris 1976.

Web links