November snow

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Novemberschnee is a crime novel by the German writer Jürgen Banscherus from 2002 and published by Arena Verlag . The book tells the story of three young people who robbed a bank in Germany in order to fly to Australia.


The young people Lina, Tom and Jurij, a Kazakh, are best friends. Lina was with Jurij until recently, but then she broke up and fell in love with Tom. Even so, they are still good friends. When the three of them were crouching together in a shabby hut one day in November, they had the idea of ​​flying to Australia, where it was nice and warm. For fun, they devise a plan to rob a bank so they can realize their dream of going to Australia.

The bank robbery game continues for several days until Tom, Jurij and Lina actually stand in front of a bank with their bikes. Tom agrees to go to the savings bank and get the money. Jurij and Lina watch him put on a black mask and the bank clerks give him money. When he comes running out, the three of them flee on their bikes. But on the way, Jurij falls and injures his knee. They then steal a car and continue to flee. As they drive, they realize that they are in real trouble now that they have pushed the boundaries of the game. When the petrol runs out, Tom suggests dumping the car in a lake to cover the tracks. After this action the three find an empty hut in the forest and settle there. But suddenly there is an argument between Tom and Jurij.

The next morning the refugees are hungry and Lina agrees to go to the nearest gas station to get food. Once there, she gets the necessary things and is shocked to see her, Tom and Jurij's photo on the front page of the newspapers. Then she plays with the idea of ​​confronting herself. But she only calls her parents to let them know that she is fine. She does not reveal her whereabouts.

Back in the hut, a surprise awaits her: Tom killed Jurij in a fight and was seriously injured himself. Then she is completely desperate and doesn't know what to do next. Tom threatens her with a real gun and warns her not to get a doctor. However, after a while, Tom becomes quite weak. Lina takes the chance, takes the pistol from him and calls a doctor. But help comes too late. Tom dies in the ambulance. Lina is arrested by the police and later given a five-year youth sentence. The allegation that she killed her two friends cannot be proven in court.


Bulletin Jugend & Literatur wrote that November snow was a great little work. His sober, clear sentences, such as the relentless consistency with which the plot is heading towards its tragic end, once again proves the sentence that less can be more.

The Rheinpfalz believed that Banscherus was writing so realistically and grippingly that in the end one was not sure whether the plot was an authentic report or a fiction.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Novemberschnee , Arena-Verlag, p. 2 (review)
  2. cf. P. 2 (review)