Ntabo Ntambui Cheka

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Ntabo Ntambui Cheka is the leader of the Congolese militia Mai-Mai Cheka .


He was a mineral dealer until he founded Mai-Mai Cheka in 2009, allegedly with the misappropriated funds of his customers.

On October 5, 2010, he had his chief of staff, Colonel Sadoke Kokunda Mayele , handed over to UN representatives in Goma as the main person responsible for the mass rape in Luvungi . An arrest warrant was also issued for Cheka by the Congolese authorities.

Cheka is running for parliament in the 2011 election in the Democratic Republic of the Congo .

Individual evidence

  1. Dominic Johnson : A pawn sacrifice. In: the daily newspaper . October 8, 2010, accessed October 11, 2010 .
  2. the daily newspaper of October 8, 2010
  3. ^ A b Simone Schlindwein: Act of revenge for mass rape. In: the daily newspaper. November 23, 2011, accessed November 23, 2011 .