Numero sign

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Characters in different fonts

The numero sign № ( Unicode : U + 2116 numero sign , HTML : & # 8470;), in some countries, such as Britain and Russia , similar to the hash mark "#" as hash marks for identifying numbers used (parent numbers). In the German-speaking world, it was also often used for enumerations or consecutive numbering (read "Numero", for example Zimmer №1, №2 etc. or "Alte Straße №16"). The usage corresponds to today's German abbreviation Nr. (For "number") or, for example, the French spelling nº (lowercase letter n followed by ordinal  sign º; actually, however, a superscript, reduced lowercase letter o). In Russia, the numero symbol is sometimes simplified as a Latin (mostly italic) N.

In many fonts , the design of the “N” part differs from that of the normal capital letter N: The ends have an arched, outwardly directed runout , in serif fonts often with drops .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Forssman , Ralf de Jong: Detail typography . 2nd Edition. Hermann Schmidt, Mainz 2004, ISBN 3-87439-642-8 , Further sentence details - numbers, digits, p. 197 (The designation "Numero characters" corresponds to this document.).