Numerus Osrhoenorum

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The Numerus Osrhoenorum ( German  Numerus from Osrhoene ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is documented by inscriptions.

The unit included riders, so that the number was at least a partially mounted unit.

Name components

  • Osrhoenorum : from Osrhoene . The soldiers of the numerus were recruited from the city of Osrhoene and the surrounding area when the unit was established.


The number is documented by three inscriptions for the 3rd century AD. The use of archers from Osrhoene by the Roman army is also mentioned in ancient written sources.


Locations of the numerus are not known.

Members of the number

The following members of the number are known:



See also


  1. According to Marcus Reuter, it is unclear whether it was always the same unit, since the inscriptions were found in different provinces and the name of the unit is different.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Marcus Reuter : Studies on the numbers of the Roman Army in the Middle Imperial Era, dissertation, In: Reports of the Roman-Germanic Commission 80, 1999, pp. 359–569, here pp. 519–521.