Nuts (poker)
In the card game of poker , the term nuts [nʌts] describes the best possible hand in a certain situation , which therefore cannot be beat at this point in time. Usually this term is only used in Hold'em variants.
Often the nuts on the flop are not sure about winners, as the turn and river card can create new nuts. With a royal flush and some straight flushes , the nuts are sure to win on the flop. So one is z. B. with a flop of 9 ♠, 10 ♠, J ♠ sure winner if you hold Q ♠ and K ♠ in your hand. The lowest rating that the nuts can mean on the flop is a set with the highest community card, i.e. three jacks on a J93 flop . If the flop shows J97 , the nuts would be a straight eight and ten.
The "worst best hand" possible on the river would be QQ on a board of 2378Q when a flush is not possible.
In Texas Hold'em, if a player holds 7 ♠ and 8 ♠ and the community cards are 5 ♠ 6 ♠ A ♣ 9 ♠ 5 ♥ , the straight flush player has the best possible hand, as no higher combination is possible. With the same community cards, the four of a kind from 5 ♣ 5 ♦ would be the second nuts , that is, the second best hand (also called second nuts), which can be very expensive for those who hold them.
It is also possible that the current nuts are not the best possible hand. With the community cards 7 ♥ 2 ♣ K ♠ K ♥ 3 ♦ the hand K ♣ K ♦ would be the best possible, but if a player holds K ♣ 7 ♣ he knows that no other player has a better hand because it is impossible to have two to hold more kings.
Terms like Nut Flush or Nut Full House describe the best possible hand in this combination.