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Mustafa Kemal gives his marathon speech.

Nutuk (Eng .: 'speech'; Ottoman نطق) is the name of the more than 36-hour marathon speech Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) gave to the delegates at the second party congress of his Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi . Mustafa Kemal held it between October 15 and October 20, 1927.

The full text of the speech is 900 pages long and covers the period from the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence . The speech is considered the legacy of the state's founder and had "canonical status" for the official historiography of Turkey . It was published in numerous editions, with linguistic revisions and adjustments to modern Turkish.


German translation

  • Gasi Mustafa Kemal Pascha: The New Turkey: 1919–1927. Speech given by Gasi Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Angora from October 15-20, 1927 to the MPs and delegates of the Republican People's Party. From the French version of the original text, produced under the supervision of the author, translated by Dr. Paul Roth. Introduction, preliminary remarks and comments in the text, unless otherwise noted, by Dr. Kurt Koehler. Publishing house by KF Koehler, Leipzig 1928 ( full text ).


  • Hülya Adak: National myths and self-na (rra) tions: Mustafa Kemal's “Nutuk” and Halide Edib's “Memoirs” and “The Turkish Ordeal”. In: South Atlantic Quaterly , Volume 102, Issue 2/3 (2003), pp. 509-527.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Ataturkçülük . In: Klaus Kreiser: Small Turkey Lexicon . Munich 1992.