Olaf de Fleur

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Olaf de Fleur , actually Ólafur Jóhannesson (born February 2, 1975 in Búðardalur , Iceland ) is an Icelandic film producer and film director .


After completing school, de Fleur studied physics in Iceland and graduated in 1995. After completing his studies, de Fleur worked on various film projects and made various films as a film director. For his film The Amazing Truth about Queen Raquela about the life of transsexual people in Thailand and the Philippines, he received the Teddy Award in Berlin in 2008.

Filmography (selection)

  • 2004: Blindsker: Saga Bubba Morthens
  • 2005: Africa United
  • 2006: Act Normal
  • 2008: The Pure Truth About Queen Raquela ; Originally: The Amazing Truth about Queen Raquela
  • 2008: The Higher Force (Icelandic: Stóra planið)
  • 2009: Circledrawers
  • 2009: Diary of a Circledrawer

Prizes and awards (selection)

  • Teddy Award , 2008 for The Amazing Truth about Queen Raquela

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