Teddy Award

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30th Teddy Award - winner at the ceremony on February 19, 2016
Teddy Award 1991 in the Kant Kino Berlin: Winners Todd Haynes ( "Poison" - produced by Christine Vachon ) & Jenny Livingston ( Paris is burning ) with plush teddy prizes
Teddy Award (queer filmaward at Berlinale) for Werner Schroeter's life's work in the "Schwules Museum * Berlin"
Teddy Award information stand at the gay and lesbian city festival, Berlin 2003: BeV StroganoV (member Teddy e.V.) & Wieland Speck (head of the Panorama section of the Berlinale)
Teddy award ceremony in the Tempodrom, Berlin 2002 with lighting on the roof
Teddy Award ceremony 2002: Final with award winners and laudators
Teddy Award Party 2002 in the Tempodrom foyer
Teddy key ring in silver by the jewelry designer Astrid Stenzel ( Schwermetall , Berlin). The Teddy Prize in miniature

The Teddy Award is the world's first official LGBTIQ - Film Award on a A-festival . Emerging from the Panorama , the queer prize has been awarded since 1987 in the categories of short , documentary and feature films to films with a gay-lesbian or transgender background from the entire Berlinale program. It is awarded on the eve of the Golden Bear award ceremony .


In 1987 Teddy was born from an idea of ​​a gay and lesbian film award. It received its name as a reference to the main prize of the Berlinale, the Golden Bear . As a jury, Wieland Speck and Manfred Salzgeber named experts "who had seen all the films" and named the group International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival Association (IGLFFA).

The founding idea was jointly formulated that the teddy bear should work beyond the gay scene and give gay and lesbian films the general and professional media impact that they had previously been denied.

The first Teddy Award went to Pedro Almodóvar for the crime thriller The Law of Desire with Antonio Banderas, who was still almost unknown at the time, and to Gus Van Sant (for two short films). Both were almost unknown at the time. Shortly afterwards, the two world stars were.

In 1990 there was the first major award gala in SchwuZ (gay center) with around 400 guests, organized by BeV StroganoV and the staff of the gay bookstore Prinz Eisenherz .

In 1992 the Berlinale Organizing Committee officially recognized the award and added it to the list of Berlinale awards.

In 1997 the charitable sponsoring association Teddy e. V. founded. This sponsoring association collects money all year round for the Teddy Award event as well as for prize money and does public relations work. The teddy jury has also changed: since 1997 it has consisted of nine people (who change annually) who organize film festivals around the world or who have otherwise made a name for themselves in "queer film".

From 1997 the venues were the House of World Cultures , Tempodrom , Kino International , Berlin-Tempelhof Airport , Komische Oper Berlin , in 2016 for the anniversary the STATION-Berlin and in 2017 the Haus der Berliner Festspiele .

In 2016 there was an anniversary film program at the Berlinale for the 30th anniversary of the Teddy Award and Rosa von Praunheim shot the documentary Welcome All Sexes about the history of the Teddy Award for the occasion .

The price

There are three different price categories:

  • Short film teddy
  • Documentary / essay film teddy
  • Feature film teddy

The Teddy Jury sometimes also decides on an honorable mention (Jury Prize) and the Teddy e. V. awards the special teddy bear for an artistic life's work.

Today's award statue is a bronze teddy bear sitting on a Berlin paving stone. The figure of the teddy is based on a drawing by the gay comic artist Ralf König , the statue itself was created in three dimensions by the jewelry designer Astrid Stenzel ( Schwermetall , Berlin).

In 2020 the Teddy Activist Award will be presented for the first time in "Recognizing the life and courage of so many activists who have fought and even given their lives for the ongoing struggle of sexual and gender minorities around the world".

Award winners






































  • Best feature film: Breve historia del planeta verde (Brief Story from the Green Planet) by Santiago Loza
  • Best documentary / essay film: Lemebel by Joanna Reposi Garibaldi
  • Best short film: Entropia by Flóra Anna Buda
  • Special Jury Award: A Dog Barking at the Moon by Xiang Zi
  • Teddy Readers' Award powered by queer.de: Breve historia del planeta verde (Brief Story from the Green Planet) by Santiago Loza
  • Special teddy: Falk Richter




Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berlinale Topics: Teddy30 In: berlinale.de. Retrieved February 17, 2016.
  2. Teddy Award inventor Wieland Speck in conversation - “We are glamorous by nature”. In: rbb-online.de. Retrieved February 17, 2016.
  3. http://blog.teddyaward.tv/blog/2019/12/10/the-teddy-activist-award/
  4. cf. Official press release ( Memento of April 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 52 kB).
  5. Berlinale: Awards for Independent Juries . Retrieved February 16, 2019.
  6. http://blog.teddyaward.tv/en/2020/02/04/teddy-activist-award-winner/