Marlon Riggs

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Marlon Troy Riggs (born February 3, 1957 in Fort Worth , Texas , † April 5, 1994 in Oakland , California ) was an American film producer , writer , poet and LGBT activist.


Riggs was born in 1957 to an African American family in Texas. After leaving school in the 1960s, Riggs studied at Harvard University in the 1970s and received an MA in Journalism from the University of California , Berkeley in 1981 . Riggs then produced and directed several films and documentaries, in particular about homosexuality and African American . Riggs died in 1994 of complications from AIDS . In 2006, Riggs was inducted into the Hall of Fame for the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association .

Works (selection)

  • 1987: Ethnic Notions
  • 1989: Tongues Untied
  • 1990: Affirmations
  • 1991: Anthem
  • 1992: Color Adjustment
  • 1992: Non, je ne regrette rien (No Regret)
  • 1995: Black Is ... Black Ain't

Prizes and awards (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association: Marlon Riggs ( Memento of the original of March 24, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /