Oliver Heinze

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Oliver Heinze (* 1974 ) is a German journalist , editor , speaker and moderator .


At the age of ten he gained his first radio experience in the Offener Kanal Berlin. Large stations such as 104.6 RTL, Antenne Niedersachsen and R.SH. followed later. He completed his traineeship at Radio BROCKEN. He then worked as a permanent editor at various radio stations such as Radio 106.4 (today: Top FM) in Fürstenfeldbruck and the news anchorman at Radio Arabella in Munich. As a voice actor, Heinze also appeared in various films - including Kiki's small delivery service and Harry Potter VI .

Today he works for a radio PR agency, works as a newscaster and moderates the TechnikSHOW, a radio show that is broadcast on several radio stations.