Olivier Schwartz

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Schwartz (2014)

Olivier Schwartz (* 1963 in Nogent-sur-Marne ) is a French comic artist.


Olivier Schwartz was inspired by the atomic style, a modification of the Ligne claire , and then made his debut in 1983 in the comic magazine Plein la gueule pour pas un rond . He later published his first comic album with Milan Presse . Then his series Fanny, Raf and Angeloin appeared in collaboration with the scenarioist Christian Goux .

Schwartz has worked with Louis Fonteneau since 1993 , with whom he created the series Les Enquêtes de L'inspecteur Bayard , which is aimed at a younger audience.

After Schwartz met Yann , Schwartz decided to end the series Les Enquêtes de L'inspecteur Bayard.

Since 2009 he has been drawing some one-shots of Spirou and Fantasio with Yann . Up to now, the volumes Operation Fledermaus (2009) and The Leopard Woman (2014) with the sequel The Master of the Black Host (2016) have been published by them. The two-volume story Gringos Locos , a homage to Jijé , André Franquin and Morris , was also published in this collaboration . The story is fictitious, but the idea came because this trio was once in the USA looking for work as an animation producer.

Works (selection)

  • 1993 to 2010: Les Enquêtes de L'inspecteur Bayard , 18 volumes with Louis Fonteneau
  • since 2009: Spirou and Fantasio (One-Shot), 3 volumes with Yann
  • 2012: Gringos Locos , 2 volumes with Yann

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