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Omnipop is a Microsoft Excel - spreadsheet , with the human populations based on the results of autosomal DNA analysis can be classified. OmniPop was developed by Brian Burrit, San Diego Police Department, for forensic DNA analysis of Y- STR markers of different ethnicities . With status quo July 23, 2010, this application considered population data from 219 scientific publications.

OmniPop is recognized by the American federal agency National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and is made freely available there with the aim of connecting autosomal markers to one another through cluster analysis . The application can also be used to analyze genetic genealogy data to understand how your own data relates to data cataloged around the world: the results of the haplotype analysis are entered manually and the OmniPop spreadsheet calculates the most likely to be true ethnicity.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reference list of the 219 publications

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