Online word processing

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An online editor or web editor is a web-based word processor for creating and editing texts online . These text editors provide the operation and the result ( WYSIWYG ) through various browsers over the Internet . The free versions can be made available to other users on your own website .

Therefore, the web editors are also an essential part of content management systems such as TYPO3 . With them, the editorial work can be done without knowing the HTML code. A combination of HTML , Rich Text Format (.rtf) and Ajax has therefore established itself as the coding standard .

Wiki editors, JavaScript applications that implement complete wiki software within a single HTML file, such as Ed.Wiki, occupy an intermediate position to offline editors .

With the concept of web editors, the read-only system of the World Wide Web is approaching the original bidirectional concept of the Writable Web by Tim Berners-Lee , which is still used in the Amaya browser as in the early versions of StarOffice and Netscape Navigator in the connection between browser and editor is present.


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