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Some members of the Opponenterna: from left to right standing Carl Larsson, Ernst Josephson, sitting Richard Bergh, August Hagborg, Per Hasselberg

The Opponenterna was a group of 85 Swedish artists organized under the leadership of Ernst Josephson . On March 27, 1885, the members submitted a written application to the Kungliga Konsthögskolan Stockholm for the modernization and reform of art education, exhibition and the promotion of artists. However, the applications were rejected, which led to the establishment of Konstnärsförbundet the following year .

Members of the Opponenterna

The association consisted mostly of younger artists who had lived in Paris and were influenced by French painting. The works of these artists met with great interest from the Swedish public. Members of the group included August Hagborg , Per Hasselberg , Gusten Lindberg , Ernst Josephson, Carl Larsson , Eugène Jansson , Richard Bergh , Mauritz Lindström and Georg Pauli . Most of these artists spent the summer on the island of Dalarö .


The first exhibition of the Opponenterna opened on September 15, 1885 in the gallery Blanchs konstsalong in Stockholm. 155 works by 59 different artists were on display.


  • Sixten Strömbom: Opponenterna av 1885: utställning till sextioårsminnet av de första moderna genombrottet i svensk const . Exhibition catalog National Museum Stockholm, Stockholm 1945.
  • Opponenterna in Nationalencyklopedin. Volume 14: Möns - parå. Bra Böcker, Höganäs 1994, ISBN 91-7024-621-1 , p. 460.

Individual evidence

  1. Konstnärsliv på Dalarö, svenska constnär som vistats och Verkat på Dalarö under 1800-talets sista år . Dalarö hembygdsförening, Dalarö 2011.