Ernst Josephson

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Ernst Josephson

Ernst Abraham Josephson (born April 16, 1851 in Stockholm , Sweden ; † November 22, 1906 there ) was a Swedish painter .


Ernst Josephson began training at the Stockholm Royal Academy of Fine Arts at the age of 16 . At the age of 20 he is said to have said: "I want to be Sweden's Rembrandt or die". His main work, Strömkarlen (1884, The Aquarius), was rejected by the Swedish National Museum in Stockholm - but Prince Eugen , the youngest son of the Swedish King Oskar II and himself a painter, acquired the picture out of anger about the decision. Strömkarlen was to influence later Scandinavian, figurative painters, above all the Norwegian Odd Nerdrum .

For a time he was a member of the artists' association Opponenterna , which also included August Strindberg and Carl Larsson . During a stay in Paris he was influenced by Gustave Courbet and Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot .

In 1888 he suffered from schizophrenia with hallucinations , megalomania and paranoia . The numerous drawings that have been made since the outbreak of the disease show a clear change in style. Two groups of images can essentially be distinguished: One, which is characterized by the iterative use of small patterns and dots, and another, which has a lively, confident and spontaneous drawing style. His drawings are said to have influenced Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse . In 1896 he received a small gold medal at the International Art Exhibition in Berlin .

He also wrote poems in collections such as Svarta rosor (1888, black roses) and Gula rosor (1896, yellow roses).

Ernst Josephson is the grandfather of the Swedish actor Erland Josephson , best known for his roles in films by Ingmar Bergman .

Selection of works


  • Ingrid Mesterton: Ernst Josephson. In: Ingrid Mesterton and others: Ernst Josephson. 1851-1906. Pictures and drawings. Städtisches Kunstmuseum, Bonn 1979, ISBN 3-8093-0045-4 .
  • Henning Repetzky: Josephson, Ernst . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 78, de Gruyter, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-11-023183-0 , pp. 346-348.

Web links

Commons : Ernst Josephson  - collection of images, videos and audio files