Optical rotational dispersion

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The optical rotation dispersion  (ORD), also known as the optical rotation dispersion curve , is a physicochemical analysis method for optically active chemical substances. The specific rotation value  [α] (or the molar rotation value [Φ]) is measured as a function of the wavelength  λ of the linearly polarized light, i.e. the size :

  • If the examined optically active substance has an absorption maximum in the examined wavelength range, the ORD curve is "abnormal" because of the Cotton effect
  • but has the examined optically active substance no absorption maximum in the examined wavelength range , so is called the curve as a "simple" (English plain ).

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Bähr, Hans Theobald: Organic stereochemistry. Springer Verlag, 1973, ISBN 3-540-06339-0 , pp. 72-73.