Order of the Durrani Empire

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The Durrani Order, 1st Class as bestowed on Sir Thomas Willshire

The Order of the Durrani Empire , short and other spelling Durani Order, was an Afghan order . The order was founded by Shah Shuja in 1840. Shuja was installed as king by the English.

The order was just an honorary award. The order was problematic because it was contrary to Muslim customs. Especially the cross of the Knights of St. John , as a Christian symbol, and the Christian orientation of the order provoked resistance. The Knights Templar and Johanniter were always seen as enemies. Johann Keane, Commander-in-Chief in Kabul over the English troops, had been awarded the First Class Order.

Order classes

The order had two classes: Grand Cross and Commander .

Order decoration

The gold medal decoration was a Maltese cross placed on two crossed swords . Above it was a pearl diadem in the red field with Arabic initials showing Mohammedan sayings and the title of ruler, as far as space allowed.

The decoration was based on the Guelph Order .

Carrying method

The mark was worn on the chest.


  • Friedrich von Raumer, Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, Wilhelm Maurenbrecher: Historical paperback. Volume 7, FA Brockhaus, 1848
  • Anton Johann Groß-Hoffinger: The eagle: General world and national chronicle, entertainment paper, literature and art newspaper for the Austrian states. Part 1; Volume 5, AJ Groß-Hoffinger, 1843
  • Heinrich August Pierer: Universal dictionary of the present and the past. Volume 1, AH Pierer, Altenburg 1840
  • Magazine for foreign literature , part 1, 1840, p.312

Individual evidence

  1. ^ H. Mr. Malten: Library of the latest world studies. Volume 1, HR Sauerländers Verlagbuchhandlung, Aarau 1840, p. 488