Oregon Rex

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The Oregon Rex was a Rassekatzenart and one of several Rex Cats types, in the middle of the 20th century by random gene - mutation occurred.

After its discovery, the Oregon Rex , recognized as a new breed of cats, briefly gained some popularity among pedigree cat breeders in the United States . Due to the intermingling with other Rex cat types in breeding, the Oregon Rex cat breed seems to have merged into the more well-known Rex breeds such as Devon Rex or Cornish Rex .


According to some sources, there are said to have been the first litters with cats as early as 1944, which are said to have shown typical Oregon Rex characteristics. However, it was not until 1959 that an Oregon Rex cat appeared in a domestic cat litter in the state of Oregon (USA). The kitten differed in its typical curly fur shape from the rest of the non-curly litter and from the mother, who also had smooth fur.

At the same time, the first Cornish Rex from Great Britain were introduced into the USA and relatively soon crossed with the newly emerging Oregon Rex breed. Breeders in the United States established a purebred Oregon Rex breed that, in a short period of time, became one of the most famous Rex breeds in America. However, when all Rex types, each showing genetic differences, were crossed with each other in the course of breeding, the Oregon Rex did not seem to be able to assert itself as an independent breed. In 1972 the last purebred Oregon Rex cat is said to have died.


The typical curled fur was silky, short and close-fitting and had no or only a greatly reduced outer hair. The guard hairs were more pronounced than in the German Rex or Cornish Rex and fully developed with the typical shape of the subapical swelling. The number was also normal. Due to the lower curvature, the guard hairs were significantly longer than the undercoat. However, the guide hairs were missing.

The head shape was wedge-shaped and had an elongated bridge of the nose. The ears were large, gently rounded at the tips and set high on the head, the eyes medium-sized and oval-cut.

The Oregon Rex's body was elongated and slim. The tail was long and slender and pointed at the end. The Oregon Rex's legs were long, graceful, and slender, with delicate, round but not too small paws.


The Oregon Rex united the essence of all Rex races. Affectionate and demanding, funny, playful, sometimes a little turbulent and a little arrogant. A dominant being and thus a certain complexity in dealing with her was also said to be.


The origin of the Oregon Rex cat breed is due to a mutation. Mutations in the gene responsible for the typical hair shape (frizz) or the genes involved seem to occur more frequently. In addition to the more well-known Rex cat breeds, there are a number of other variants, of which the Oregon Rex, which has now disappeared, is only one.

Crossings of cats with typical Oregon Rex traits (genetic description: roro) with Cornish Rex (rr) and later with Devon Rex (rere) resulted in offspring with normal, non-frizzled fur. Investigations corroborated the fact that the Oregon-Rex mutation is present as a recessive allele (ro) of its own gene with the dominant wild-type allele (Ro) and is therefore genetically different from the other Rex types.

Related breeds


  • R. Robinson: Oregon rex — a fourth rexoid coat mutant in the cat. In: Genetica. 43 (2) / 1972. Page 236–238.