Change of location

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Change of location (Engl. Changing Places ) is a campus novel by British writer David Lodge .

It appeared in the English original in 1975 and in 1986 in the German translation by Renate Orth-Guttmann .

The action takes place in 1969. Lodge here deals with various contemporary topics in a humorous way, such as the student movement , women's emancipation , free love, etc. There has been an exchange program between the universities of the imaginary cities of Rummidge (GB) and Euphoria (USA) for a long time . Every year a lecturer from one university visits the other. In 1969 it was Phillip Swallow and Morris Zapp. In the course of their stay, these two characters each find themselves in the roles of the other, which includes relationships with their respective spouses. The novel reflects stereotypical images of the USA and Great Britain and their educational systems and combines different ways of writing a novel in one book. For example, the third chapter is written in the form of a letter novel and the sixth as a film script, while the fourth consists only of fictional newspaper articles.

Lodge wrote a sequel in 1984: Small World: An Academic Romance (German scavenger hunt or small world: an academic romance ), in which Swallow and Zapp reappear.
