Secker & Warburg

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Secker & Warburg is a British book publisher . It was created in 1936 through the acquisition of the insolvent publisher of Martin Secker by Fredric Warburg and Roger Senhouse .

The publisher's political stance was both anti-fascist and anti-communist . One of the most famous authors of the publishing house since 1938 was George Orwell ; other authors of the publisher and the brand were among others Simone de Beauvoir , Colette , JM Coetzee , Alberto Moravia , Günter Grass , Angus Wilson , Melvyn Bragg , Julian Gloag , Christy Brown and the British Buddhist Lobsang Rampa .

After miscalculations, Secker & Warburg was forced to join the Heinemann publishing house in 1951 . The name was retained as a brand. In 2017 it belongs to the media group Pearson .

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual representations

  1. Dt. Ed .: Howard Marks: Mr. Nice . Heyne, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-453-67591-9
  2. Dt. Ed .: Louis de Bernières: The random war of Don Emmanuel. Novel . Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, Frankfurt / M. 2005, ISBN 3-596-16787-6 .