Oscar Eyselein

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Oscar Eyselein (born November 13, 1847 in Castell (Lower Franconia) , † August 26, 1892 in Blankenburg am Harz) was a German medic.


Oscar Eyselein studied medicine at the universities of Würzburg, Erlangen, Tübingen, Leipzig and Vienna. In Würzburg he became a member of the Corps Bavaria in 1867 . In 1871 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. In 1872 he received his license to practice medicine in Munich. From 1876 until his death he was the owner and director of the sanatorium for nervous sufferers in Blankenburg am Harz.

He published numerous hygienic and statistical articles in the monthly journal for public health care for Braunschweig as well as medical articles in weeklies.


  • On vaccination and revaccination and their unsatisfactory implementation so far, 1872
  • On the organization of public health care in the Duchy of Braunschweig, 1880
  • On agoraphobia and nyctophobia, 1881
  • Pension and sanatorium for the nervous, 1882
  • Table for the mentally ill, 1883
  • About nervousness, 1884
  • About delusions of memory


  • Pagel: Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century . Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 482. ( Permalink )

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 138 , 377