OserLag was a special camp of the MWD for political prisoners . These special camps with a tightened regime were special facilities created by the MWD (formerly NKVD) in the general Gulag system in the Soviet Union in the post-war period . Founded in 1948 near Tayshet in Siberia, it is known as one of the most notorious East Siberian camps.
OserLag, Russian Озерлаг , which belonged to the large complex of Gulag camps, was established by the MWD in 1948 on the basis of Decree No. 00219 of the MWD Ministry of the Interior of February 21, 1948. Originally it was called Ossoblag No. 7 , i. H. Special camp No. 7 (from ossobyj lager 7, i.e. особый лагерь № 7, особлаг № 7), the name OserLag was given later. OserLag is derived from Osjerny lager / Озёрный ла́герь , d. H. Sea camp , seascape camp . These designations for the originally numbered special camps were mostly given randomly, as a kind of code, without any reference to reality - there are no lakes near the camp. The full full name was Osjerny isprawitelno-trudowoi lager / Озёрный исправи́тельно-трудово́й ла́герь - correctional and labor sea camp .
Similar to some other special camps, OserLag was built for the construction of the Baikal-Amur highway - the prisoners built the section from Taischet to Bratsk , and later to Ust-Kut (about 700 km). OserLag had several branch offices, so-called storage points.
In 1952 there are said to have been over 37,000 prisoners in the camp, about a quarter of them women, other sources speak of 40,000 or more.
On January 1, 1960, the camp was still in operation.
Known prisoners
- Yuri Dombrowski
- Vladimir Kryukov
- Lidia Ruslanova
- Jossyf Slipyj
- Manfred Stern
- Sergej Vojcechovský
- Petro Werhun
- Friedrich-Franz Wiese
See also
Individual evidence
- ↑ Приказ МВД СССР № 00219 “Об организации особых лагерей МВД” (Ordinance No. 00219 on the organization of special storage facilities of the MWD). Online at: alexanderyakovlev.org / ...
- ↑ a b c Vladimír Bystrov: Únosy československých občanů do Sovětského Svazu v letech 1945-1955 . Edition Svědectví , ed. from Úřad dokumentace a vyšetřování zločinů komunismu ÚDV, an institution of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, Prague 2003, 343 pages, ISBN 80-7312-027-5 , online at: szcpv.org/ , section Ozerlag, p. 265 f.
- ↑ a b c Светлана Шестакова: Подземная кухня Озерлага . In: baikal-info.ru, November 19, 2004, online at: baikal-info.ru/
- ↑ Д. Шкапов: ВОДОРАЗДЕЛЬНЫЙ ЛАГЕРЬ . In: MB Smirnow (ed.): Система исправительно-трудовых лагерей в СССР (The system of corrective labor camps in the USSR 1923–1960). Zwenja, 1998. Online on the Мемориал portal (Memorial.ru) memo.ru / ... ; German version on the MEMORIAL Deutschland e. V .: Dmitri Schkapow : WASSERSCHEIDELAGER . Online at: gulag.memorial.de / ...
Web links
- Outline map of the camps in the RSFSR - Transbaikalia area. In: Portal from Memorial / Germany. Retrieved on December 14, 2016 (the main administration of OserLag / Seelager is shown on the map in the west near Taischet).
Coordinates: 56 ° 7 ′ 36 ″ N , 99 ° 46 ′ 23 ″ E