Oskar Kilian

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Georg Jakob Oskar Kilian (born June 30, 1860 in Berlin ; † April 23, 1938 there ) was a writer and editor-in-chief . In 1900 he headed the editorial department of the Märkische Radfahrer-Zeitung and in 1908 the editorial department of the Rad- und Auto-Verlag .


Cyclists forays through the Mark Brandenburg, 1898/99

The son of master tailor Gottlieb Kilian was a businessman by profession when he married the daughter of a photographer in 1890. In his second marriage, Oskar Kilian married the painter Hulda Dreiling on October 30, 1902.

Oskar Kilian had his residence and his editorial address in 1900 in Berlin NW. 5, Stephanstraße 25 and from 1906 in Berlin SW. 48, Wilhelmstrasse 15. The Zentralblatt für Automobil- und Radfahrwesen and the magazine for traffic and sport "Rad und Auto" as well as from 1908 the German Cyclists Association , Gau 20 Berlin , also operated under this address .


Märkische Radfahrer-Zeitung, No. 3, January 18, 1900.
  • Series: Cyclists forays through the Mark Brandenburg . Max Rockenstein publishing house, Berlin, approx. 1898, Central and State Library Berlin, Digital State Library Berlin .
  • Cyclists forays through the Mark Brandenburg: II. Through the Märkische Schweiz . Max Rockenstein publishing house, 1898, Durch die Märkische Schweiz .
  • Pocket book for cyclists together with a tour directory for Germany and neighboring countries with the participation of specialist authorities and the German cycling associations . Max Rockenstein, Berlin 1899, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00116196-5
  • No. 15: Driving . In: Songbook of Gau 19 Rostock of the German Cyclists Association . Rostock 1900.
  • Between the Elbe and the Oder . Kahlenberg & Günther, Berlin, 1905.
  • “Take me with you!” : Handbook for cyclists and drivers. Rad- & Auto-Verlag, Berlin 1908.
  • Row: out into the distance! Hiking trips and plans through the German Reich for cyclists and motorcyclists . Rad und Auto-Verlag, Berlin 1908 (Vol. 1–6), (Vol. 7/8 planned for 1909).
  • Around Berlin: Festschrift and program for the 8th long-distance journey on July 28, 1907 , ZLB .
  • Festschrift for the long-distance journey Vienna-Berlin on the 27th and 27th June 28, 1908. Program d. Cycle race in the Steglitz sports park on June 28, 1908 , SBB .
  • Traffic manual, for cyclists and drivers in Greater Berlin a. Reg.-Bez. Potsdam , Berlin: Rad- und Auto-Verlag, 1909.
  • No. 6. All Heil, Kam'raden , in: Radler-Lust: song book for cyclists , printing and publishing: Rauh & Pohle, Leipzig, (probably) 1922.

In addition, Georg Jakob Oskar Kilian can probably be assigned other works:

  • In the field: cheerful and serious war experiences , two volumes, Leipzig, Philipp Reclam jun., 1915.
  • Saxon architecture: the German library in Leipzig . In: Central Gazette for the German Construction Industry : official Announcement Sheet. d. German employers' association for the construction industry; Organ d. Association of Building Businesses of Berlin, Volume 15, 1916, pp. 504-510.


Individual evidence

  1. Märkische Radfahrer-Zeitung , No. 3, January 18, 1900 , 1st year.
  2. cf. StA Berlin Xb No. 1130/1902 and StA Berlin IV b No. 550/1938.
  3. Kilian, Otto . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1908, Part 1, p. 1194.
  4. Out into the distance! Hiking trips and plans through the German Reich for cyclists and motorcyclists . Rad und Auto-Verlag, Berlin 1908.
  5. cf. StA Berlin XI No. 422/1890
  6. cf. StA Berlin Xb No. 1130/1902.
  7. Stephanstr. 25 . In: Address book for Berlin and its suburbs , 1900, part 3, p. 589.
  8. Wilhelmstrasse 15 . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1906, part 3, p. 832. p . 832. , Wilhelmstr. 15 . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1908, part 3, p. 879. p. 879 , Wilhelmstr. 15 . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1909, part 3, p. 899. p. 899.
  9. Twitter: @radfahrerwissen , July 11, 2018.
  10. Twitter: @radfahrerwissen , May 23, 2019.
  11. Volume 1 - Volume 2