East Africa potto

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East Africa potto
A prepared potto in the exhibition of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium

A prepared potto in the exhibition of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium

Order : Primates (Primates)
Subordination : Wet-nose primates (Strepsirrhini)
Partial order : Lori-like (Lorisiformes)
Family : Loris (Lorisidae)
Genre : Pottos ( Perodicticus )
Type : East Africa potto
Scientific name
Perodicticus ibeanus
Thomas , 1910

The East Africa potto ( Perodicticus ibeanus ) is a species of primate from the Loris family (Lorisidae). The nominate form comes in the north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo between the Congo and the Ubangi , in the north-east of this country, south about to the province of South Kivu , in north-western Burundi , in Rwanda , Uganda and in western Kenya in a strip north of Lake Victoria about to Nandi County in front. The subspecies Perodicticus ibeanus stockleyi , known only from a single specimen found in 1938, lives or lived in mountain forests on Mount Kenya in central Kenya . It may have become extinct by now.


The East Africa potto reaches a head-torso length of about 35 cm and a weight of 1 to 1.2 kg and is therefore the middle of the three types of potto in terms of size. With an average length of 5 cm, the tail is only half as long as that of the Cameroon Potto . The fur is thick, woolly and blackish on the back. Hands and feet are dark brown. The East Africa potto has smaller teeth compared to the other two species.

Way of life

The East Africa potto lives in swamp forests, rainforests and mountain rainforests up to heights of 600 meters. The exact way of life of the species has not yet been researched. Like other pottos, it is arboreal , nocturnal and will primarily feed on ripe fruits, insects and small vertebrates.


The East Africa potto is widespread, not uncommon, and is classified as “not endangered” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN ). It occurs in eight protected areas, including the Kahuzi-Biéga National Park in the Congo, the Rwandan Volcano National Park , the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park in southwest Uganda and the Mount Elgon National Park and the Kakamega Forest National Reserve in western Kenya.


Individual evidence

  1. The Mount Thomas M. Butynski and Yvonne A. de Jong: Kenya Potto is a Subspecies of the Eastern Potto Perodicticus ibeanus .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Primate Conservation 2017 (31)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / static1.1.sqspcdn.com  

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