Ottmar Besenfelder

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Ottmar Besenfelder (born August 31, 1908 in Schömberg near Balingen , † 1994 in Stuttgart ) was a German architect . As an employed employee of Paul Bonatz , employee of Gerhard Graubner , freelance employee of Rolf Gutbrod and student of Paul Schmitthenner , he was one of the representatives of the Stuttgart school . He was a close friend of the artist Alfred Wais .


Ottmar Besenfelder grew up with a brother and a sister in Schömberg b. Balingen , his parents ran a small farm. A teacher recognized his academic talent and initiated his entry into the Bischöfliche Gymnasialkonvikt in Rottweil . A career in the Catholic Church was out of the question for him, so he left the Konvikt at his own request.

After doing internships in construction at the Rottweiler powder factory and IG-Farben AG in Rottweil, he made up his Abitur in 1928 at the Rottweiler grammar school. From 1928 to 1935 he studied architecture at the TH Stuttgart , one of his teachers there was Paul Schmitthenner , and he completed the interim internship from 1930 to 1932 at the Rottweil regional building authority.

He worked as a salaried and freelance architect at various Stuttgart architecture offices , including those of Günter Wilhelm , Gerhard Graubner , Paul Bonatz and Rolf Gutbrod , and was freelance for many years. From 1958 he was employed by the Stuttgart University Building Authority, where he was responsible for the University of Hohenheim .

Ottmar Besenfelder was married to Hedwig Regine Besenfelder, b. Kehrer, and has two children.

Buildings (selection)

  • Stuttgart commercial school , working with Gerhard Graubner, conversions, 1937/38
  • Hotel Rappen, Freudenstadt , collaboration with Gerhard Graubner, conversions, 1937/38
  • Buildings of the 3rd Reichsgartenschau, Stuttgart, collaboration with Gerhard Graubner, 1938
  • House Ferry Porsche , Feuerbacher Weg 50, Stuttgart with Rolf Gutbrod, apartment remodeling, 1949th
  • Office and commercial building of the Süddeutsche Holzberufsgenossenschaft (Loba-Haus), Charlottenstrasse. 29/31, Stuttgart with Rolf Gutbrod, 1949/50.
  • Residential building manufacturer Rager, Schömberg b. Balingen , 1950-52.
  • Residential house at Am Bismarck Tower 17, Stuttgart with Rolf Gutbrod, reconstruction, 1949–51.
  • Former Trikotagenfabrik Wilhelm Benger Söhne, Böblinger Str. 72, Stuttgart with Rolf Gutbrod, conversions, 1951.
  • Residential houses Parlerstr. 10 and 12, Stuttgart with Rolf Gutbrod, 1951/52.
  • Besenfelder residential building, Spitzwegstr. 5, Stuttgart , 1959/60.
  • Former Hahn high-rise, Friedrichstr. 10, Stuttgart with Rolf Gutbrod, 1962

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d saai. Southwest German archive for architecture and civil engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
  2. a b Martin Wörner, Gilbert Lupfer: Stuttgart. An architecture guide. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-496-01077-0 .
  3. Schwarzwälder Bote, special supplement, November 20, 1953.