Otto Ernst (lawyer)

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Otto Ernst (* 1909 ; † 1993 ) was a German lawyer.


Ernst completed his law studies with a doctorate and began his legal career in the private sector in 1936. In 1937 he then joined the Reich Debt Administration .

From 1939 to 1945 he fought as a soldier in France and on the Eastern Front.

After several months of unemployment, Otto Ernst found a job in 1946 in the financial administration Düsseldorf-Süd and from 1947 worked for the central debt administration for the British zone, initially in Hamburg and from 1948 at the regional finance office in Düsseldorf. There he was initially employed as a permanent laborer and from 1951 as a State Treasury Council in the College of Debt Administration of the United Economic Area . From 1952 to 1968 he was then Vice President and from 1968 to 1974 President of the Federal Debt Administration .

In 1952 he was a member of the German delegation to the London Debt Conference.

Since 1929 he was a member of the Catholic student union KDStV Hercynia Freiburg im Breisgau .


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